Thursday, September 29, 2011

Expectations for Oct 5

From Delores
Class scholars: Last evening as we talked about the reading of the text and the learning ahead of you, I recommended you not begin the interviews until you had read the book and done your reflecting for your own story. As you read the text on Culturally Proficient Leadership, what are some thoughts that are surfacing for you as you think about your Cultural Autobiography? (Title of blog post: Reflections on my Story)

From Pat

  • Ensure you have read all of A Whole New Mind and bring to class
  • Write a blog post titled, Reflection on Pink.  Consider the concepts of 'symphony,' and 'design,' discuss what learning environments would support more innovative thinking.
  • Read about disruptive innovation from Clayton Christensen's Website
  • For the 8th, you want to read whichever Christensen book you choose:

     Disrupting Class: Intro, 1, 5, 7, 8, 9
     Innovate University: Intro, 1, 15, 16, 20, 21

From Jeff

  • Complete the "About Me" page on your blog.  Include a picture
  • Ensure you have your Twitter, iGoogle, Gmail, Blogger, Tweetdeck, Diigo accounts/tools
  • Watch the videos on Twitter/Tweetdeck from the PLN Tools tab
  • Begin to build your networks in Twitter and Diigo
  • Share what you are reading/discover on Twitter and bookmark on Diigo
  • Write a blog post titled, "Creating My PLN"  Reflect on the process, your level of comfort, and any questions that you might have about the concept or process of creating a PLN (at least 400 words)

In summary, I want you to develop the following habit:


This Week's Question:  What is something that you have learned without formal teaching? (Leave a comment on this post)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Welcome to EDLD 730/740 Cohort VI!

Hello Cohort VI,

You may already know that EDLD 730 and 740 are blended together and are co-taught. Delores Lindsey, Jeff Heil, and Pat Stall are your instructors. We have set up a blog where course information, discussion, etc. will be housed. 

For now, the blog has the syllabus and a bit of information about us. We would like for you to add a little about yourselves just as a way for us to get to know you better. As a beginning, include your name, current place of work, position, and dissertation proposal topic. Click on the word comment at the bottom of this post to leave your information.

Please preview the syllabus. It has a calendar with dates and room numbers as well as a brief overview of assignments and objectives of the course. You will note that the books  listed below will be used in the class. You can get them from Amazon (or wherever you like to shop online for books) in a matter of days. Scan A Whole New Mind prior to the first class. It is a fairly easy read. We will re-read parts at particular times during class.

You will only need to purchase one of the Christensen books. We would suggest that K-12 educators select Disrupting Class and Higher Education educators select The Innovative University. The same basic principals are in both books; however, we find that each has more pertinent application and examples for particular audiences. Having said that, you are welcomed to select whichever Christensen text you would like.

As is the central focus of the JDP program, we will continue to delve into leadership and social justice through the lens of cultural proficiency with the book, Culturally Proficient Leadership.

A Whole New Mind (2005) by Daniel Pink.
Culturally Proficient Leadership (2009) (Paperback) by Raymond D. Terrell & Randall B. Lindsey  
Choose one required book from the following:
Disrupting Class  (2008) by Clayton M. Christensen (K-12)
The Innovative University (2011) by Clayton M. Christensen and Henry J. Eyring (HE)
We look forward to meeting you first through the blog and more so in person on September 24 at 9 am.

Delores, Jeff, and Pat