Friday, October 28, 2011

Your Futurist Scenario continued

What are you learning about your Futurist Scenario? Post an update addressing the following questions on your blog by Nov. 1. 

Step 1: Identify Implications (SWOT: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis).
Step 2: Develop Options (List the things you could do and the things you should do to prepare)
Step 3: Monitor Trends (How do you currently monitor trends? How might you need to adjust your radar?)

Read and respond to 5 of your colleagues' posts before class on Nov. 9. Do not think of your response as an affirmation. Rather, ask questions, look for holes in their thinking, pass along resources that you have been finding for yourself that might help your colleagues. For example, "flip-thinking" has implications for several of your scenarios and is applicable to much of our work. 

David Truss provides links to a flipped classroom Webinar, Daniel Pink's ideas on "flip thinking," and a model for Flipping Professional Development, all of which have implications for our work as leaders.

PS....don't forget to review and follow the PLN rubric as you explore and develop your "habit" of being professionally connected.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 26, 2011 Class Meeting

San Diego County office of Education
Joe Rindone Regional Technology Center
Click on the website below to find directions and a map

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tonight's Class: Oct 26

Thoughts on 10/26 Speakers Panel and Project
Access to higher education, to technology, to a high quality education is inequitable. What are the inequities in your educational setting? What is one thing you learned from the projects and speakers in class on 10/26 that you can employ to begin to level the playing field? Post immediately when you get home. Ask a question to your colleagues that pushes them to think about the inequities in your workplace. By October 30, read all of your colleagues’ posts. Find the 2-3 posts that have a similar action to that which you said you could take to “level the playing field.” Support and encourage one another to take action. Does this “action” become a part of your Futurist scenario? How is it related? 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Dan Pink on Grades. . .

In this except from a video, Pink discusses the possibility that the original intent of grades. He says, "Grades have morphed from being feedback to the goal itself." Any thoughts on the video?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Your Futurist Scenario

By October 22, blog about the Futurist Scenario for which you will be preparing an action plan for your work site. Use the following questions as a guide to continue your thinking. Respond to 4 of your colleagues helping them to think through their own scenarios.
1. If you were to implement this practice, strategy, idea today, what specialized skills, resources, and dispositions would you need to obtain for yourself, your colleagues and staff?
2. What skills will your colleagues and those you supervise need in order to be successful in this scenario? Of those skills, which ones are currently being supported through resources such as professional development in your setting? Which ones are missing or minimal? What is currently being supported in your setting that would likely be obsolete in 2020?
3. In what ways are we unprepared, lacking in resources and staffing, or to what degree are our strategies and underlying values unable to respond effectively to the conditions this scenario represents?
4. What could we be doing now to leverage this trend to our advantage?
5. What would need to happen internally and in the external environment for preparing yourself and those you lead to navigate in this strategic vision? What changes should your organization begin to make? What should it start doing? What should it stop doing?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Culturally Proficient Leadership

For our class session, Wednesday evening, October 12, we will engage in a discussion about the 4 Tools of Cultural Proficiency. At my "class scholar Blog", I've invited you to tell your leadership story; and, this week I'd like for you to Blog about what is emerging for you as you read the text. We will also discuss a time-line for your interviews and your finished product: your cultural autobiography.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Understanding the Theory of Disruption

Explain in 300 words or less your understanding of Christensen's Theory of Disruption. Consider this the elevator speech to someone who has no idea what the theory is. Use one education example from your past experience or current reality to illustrate the disruption. Leave a thoughtful response to 4 of your peers' posts by the beginning of class on October 8.

Cultivating Your PLN

Below is a video giving instructions on how to better cultivate your PLN. Please watch and leave a comment at the bottom of this post after you have completed it. Feel free to leave any questions you might still have regarding the cultivation of your PLN. I would also like you to complete the following survey so I can have all of your PLN information in one place.

Also, I would like you to watch the Visitors and Residents video:  Click Here.  After you finish, I would like you to write a blog post with a title answering the Question:  Am I a Visitor or a Resident on the Internet?  The post should be at least 300-400 words.  Explain your result and how you see your future life on the Internet.  Leave a thoughtful comment on at least 5 peers' posts.  I would like this completed before class on Saturday.