Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cultivating Your PLN

Below is a video giving instructions on how to better cultivate your PLN. Please watch and leave a comment at the bottom of this post after you have completed it. Feel free to leave any questions you might still have regarding the cultivation of your PLN. I would also like you to complete the following survey so I can have all of your PLN information in one place.

Also, I would like you to watch the Visitors and Residents video:  Click Here.  After you finish, I would like you to write a blog post with a title answering the Question:  Am I a Visitor or a Resident on the Internet?  The post should be at least 300-400 words.  Explain your result and how you see your future life on the Internet.  Leave a thoughtful comment on at least 5 peers' posts.  I would like this completed before class on Saturday.



  1. might be good to take a few minutes at the beginning of class to respond to others' posts...

  2. Lets see if I can summarize for everyone. Get accounts for Gmail,Twitter, Diigo, YouTube. Set up your Blog, Put together your about me page on the blog. Participate in at least one edcahat per week. Cultivate your PLN everyday (Tweet, bookmark, share, blog, comment). Post both assigned blog posts and some other posts. Tweet something daily to #jdp6 and comment on the visitor/resident post of at least 5 classmates.

    Did I forget anything Jeff?

  3. I agree with Beverly that taking a few minutes at the beginning of class to respond to others would be a good idea... I am sure that a lot of us will not get to the assignments until later tonight. Additionally, I could really benefit from someone walking my through bookmarking on Diigo in person- it would be better for my learning style. :-) I also need some assistance with the hashtag marking on Tweet Deck.

  4. good refresher Jeff. All this tech can be a bit overwhelming-- alot to do but it is do-able. like the idea of needing to cultivate the pln.

  5. This visitor just watched Jeff's post for the second time. I am sure I will watch it again for more to sink in as I try to wrap my head around all of this. Every time I watch it, I hear something that helps me solve a problem I have encountered. My routine is pretty choppy now. My goal is to "smooth it out." Just remembering to go to tweetchat to follow a chat is saving me some frustration in trying to follow the chat!
