Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Your Futurist Scenario

By October 22, blog about the Futurist Scenario for which you will be preparing an action plan for your work site. Use the following questions as a guide to continue your thinking. Respond to 4 of your colleagues helping them to think through their own scenarios.
1. If you were to implement this practice, strategy, idea today, what specialized skills, resources, and dispositions would you need to obtain for yourself, your colleagues and staff?
2. What skills will your colleagues and those you supervise need in order to be successful in this scenario? Of those skills, which ones are currently being supported through resources such as professional development in your setting? Which ones are missing or minimal? What is currently being supported in your setting that would likely be obsolete in 2020?
3. In what ways are we unprepared, lacking in resources and staffing, or to what degree are our strategies and underlying values unable to respond effectively to the conditions this scenario represents?
4. What could we be doing now to leverage this trend to our advantage?
5. What would need to happen internally and in the external environment for preparing yourself and those you lead to navigate in this strategic vision? What changes should your organization begin to make? What should it start doing? What should it stop doing?

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